Here is a video recording of my talk “Attention and Hermeneutic Gaps and Distortions” at the Epistemic Injustice Conference, University of Johannesburg:


  • Feb 20-21, 2025: Democracy, Inclusiveness, and Open-Minded Attention, Conference “Attention, Politics, and Democracy”, University of Oslo
  • April 8, 2025: TBA, Colloque de Recherche, University of Neuchâtel
  • July 3-4, 2025: The Role of Epistemic Virtues in Maintaining Democracy, Conference “Political Dimensions of Open-Mindedness,” Freie Universität Berlin


  • Jan 9, 2025: Can Philosophy Make us Intellectually Virtuous, Workshop “Why Philosophy?”, Champex-Lac
  • Oct 17, 2024: Democracy, Inclusiveness, and Open-Minded Attention, Tagung des German Pragmatism Network 2024, München
  • Sept 23-26, 2024: Epistemic Courage and Open-Mindedness, 26. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, Münster
  • Sept 16-17, 2024: Motivated Inquiry, Goethe Epistemology Meeting 2024, Goethe University of Frankfurt
  • Aug 22, 2024: Motivated Inquiry, Normativity Group Meeting, University of Southampton
  • Aug 6, 2024: Motivated Inquiry, Panel on “Pragmatism and Values: Reconceptualizing Normativity”, World Congress of Philosophy, Rome
  • May 4, 2024: What’s Philosophy’s Relation to Experience, Workshop with Elijah Chudnoff, University of Fribourg
  • August 21-25, 2023: What’s Philosophy’s Relation to Experience, The 11th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Vienna
  • March 9, 2023: Virtuous Collective Attention, Workshop “Political Attention: Policies and Strategies”, University of Oslo
  • Aug 3, 2022: The Relation between Reform and Radical Change: What we can learn from Metaphilosophy, Swiss Panel at the Fourth European Pragmatism Conference, London
  • Aug 2, 2022: The Sociology of Philosophy: Between Eudaimonism and Cosmopolitanism, Women in Pragmatism Workshop, London
  • May 24, 2022: The Relationship between Metaphysical Inquiry and Conceptual Amelioration, Colloquium in Practical Philosophy, Philosophy Dept, University of Lucerne
  • April 27, 2022: (Virtuous) Collective Hermeneutic Attention, Research Colloquium, Philosophy Dept, University of St. Gallen
  • March 31, 2022: Spontaneous Aversion and Attraction in ‘Good Thinking’, at the Thumos Seminar, University of Geneva
  • March 29/30, 2022: Attention and Hermeneutic Gaps and Distortions, at the Epistemic Injustice Conference organized by the Newton Advanced Fellowship research project Epistemic Injustice, Reasons, Agency, University of Johannesburg
  • Aug 29, 2021: Purely Cognitive Benefits as an Aim of Research?, Congress of the Swiss Philosophical Society, Lugano
  • Aug 20, 2021: In what Sense can Philosophy be an Academic Discipline?, University of Cologne (online)
  • June 2021: How can Collectives Virtuously Pay Hermeneutic Attention?, at the Workshop The Politics of Attention, University of Fribourg
  • May 28, 2021: Democracy as Paying Attention, Tagung German Pragmatism Network, University of Hildesheim (online)
  • March 2021, Hermeneutic Attention, EXRE Colloquium, University of Fribourg
  • Nov 2020, Personal Boundaries and (Gendered) Justice, Workshop On Testimony and Beyond, University of Bern (online)
  • June 2020, Attention as Active Reception, Attention Workgroup, University of Fribourg
  • Dec 2019, Purely Cognitive Benefits, Annual Conference of the Irish Philosophical Society, University College, Cork